Water is Always Better

1961) I am fortunate I never acquired a taste for alcohol. I made it through the rebellious high school years with only taking small sips. I just couldn’t stand the taste. It’s funny, now that I’m an adult, I find the need to explain to friends why I’m not ordering a drink as they do when we go out. I don’t want them to think I feel it’s morally wrong to drink (which is another subject to wrestle with in another “minute”). I just don’t like it.  

As I consider the subject of drinking, I think of situations when I have become thoroughly parched. My body wants something to drink and when I have chosen to drink anything other than water, it doesn’t take care of this need. I find I need to drink far more of these unhelpful choices just so my body can pull the water out of it to be used where needed. Water is always better.  

John 7:37 reminds me of this need. Jesus tells us if we’re thirsty spiritually, come to him and take his water, something that will always satisfy. When we don’t take Jesus up on his offer, it’s like drinking something that may satisfy for a moment but will not quench the spiritual thirst we have.

When you’re reaching for a glass today, think about what you will pour into it. Will it satisfy?

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