1958) I loved Sunday school and vacation Bible school when I was a child. As I was taught the stories of the Bible, my healthy imagination saw each event.
One that stands out was the story in Numbers 21. It’s where we read about the children of Israel complaining again and God sending serpents who bit and killed many people. Then Moses intervenes for Israel, asking for mercy. God instructed him to forge a serpent and place it on a pole, telling the people if they looked at it, they wouldn’t die.
I remember “seeing” this serpent and wondering why someone would not look at it but I’m sure there were some who refused.
In John 3:3, Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus and Jesus compares the salvation he is offering to the event in Numbers. I can only assume Nicodemus “looked” at Jesus’ salvation because he defends Jesus in John 7 and helps prepare Jesus’ body for burial.
It may seem ridiculous to some that God makes salvation “easy” to obtain, but the price for this gift was immense.
Will you look at the cross?