1954) As a language arts teacher, I have attended many workshops on the art of writing. Many things stand out in my memory as being helpful and there is one idea which came to mind when I read Luke 12:34.
The leader of the workshop said it is often interesting to take a known theme of a story and reverse it or look at it from another point-of-view. For example, instead of writing about the child being afraid of the monster under his bed, reverse it and write about the monster under the bed being scared of the child.
Luke 12:34 tells us Jesus said where we keep our treasure, often referring to material things, our hearts will be focused on that. What if we look at it from a different angle and consider that our treasure is God’s word? If our desire is to follow the narrow pathway of Scripture, then our focus (our hearts) will be based upon it.
Looking at God’s words from multiple angles is helpful.