1901) Because I had the privilege of being raised in the church, went to a Christian school, graduated from a Bible college and taught public school Bible for just shy of 20 years, I’m very acquainted with many Bible verses. This comes in handy so many times in my day to-day but there is a bit of a draw-back, and that is, I tend to jump over verses I know well, subconsciously thinking there’s little more to be received from them. Matthew 6:33 is one of them.
In this verse, Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God. When I pause to think about this, it strikes up a curiosity. When I looked up this verse in the Greek, the word seek is zéteó, which means to investigate in order to reach a permanent resolution. The word, kingdom, in the Greek is basileia, which translated is the realm in which a king sovereignly rules.
What I understand this to mean is Jesus admonishes us to investigate and commit to the sovereign rule of God. As I think of this further, I marvel at the fact that the One who is called Love (1 John 4:8); who works or orchestrates everything for our good (Romans 8:28) is available to become the ruler of my heart and life.
Why would I want a fallible, temporary ruler of my heart when I can choose God?