
New Wine

1868) The old ways of doing things are sometimes hard to shake. Should electronics be solely used in schools? Should new songs be sung in a church? Should missionary work be done as it has for the last century?  

There is comfort in the familiar, but some of our old ways Jesus describes as old wine. What Jesus taught and teaches is a new way of being godly.  

Before Jesus came, keeping the rules (or the law) was a major part of being God’s children, but as Jesus pointed out, the law cannot save you. Why? Because no one can keep all the rules 100% of the time–which would be necessary for salvation. It’s why Jesus, who has kept all the rules, died, so we can be covered with the new wine of grace.  

Jesus did say that keeping the rules is good , but the motivation for doing so is different. He said in John 14:15, If you love me, then you will keep my commandments. This is new wine (a new way of looking at the rules/laws in the Bible), and if you try to make it fit in the old way of thinking (old wineskins), it’s useless.  

Why keep God’s law/rules? It’s a demonstration of our love for God, and it would make our lives better to live in harmony with God’s love and laws.

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