
Understanding Safe

1852) Winter in Maine is beautiful, and yet, difficult. You need to be prepared because a storm can put everything at a standstill for a few hours.
There is one thing about winters in Maine that is a source of anxiety in my little dog. When the snow plow guy comes, Cayce gets very agitated. It seems as though the noise and vibration the plow makes frightens him and he literally jumps in my lap, desperately wanting to feel safe.
In thinking about the word safe, it’s easy to think that safe = no fear; that you stop feeling the fright within, but that’s not the case. Cayce can be safe in my arms, but that doesn’t mean he no longer feels the anxiety; it takes time for the anxiety to calm down.
Proverbs 18:10 tells us because God is a strong tower, we can run to him and be safe. We are safe because God is the source of love; (1 John 4:8) he always produces good in our lives; (Romans 8:28) and he will eventually wipe every tear from our eyes. (Revelation 21:4)
When things in this life overwhelm us, we can run to God, acknowledge our safety and what his character is that produces it and, in time, our feelings will catch up with what we know about God if we trust him.
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