
Genuine Friends

1845) Friendships are difficult for my young scholars. It isn’t unusual for one to come to me each week who is distraught because of something a friend did to them. I try to help each one understand there are different types of friends and it’s important to categorize them.
There are friends you see every day whom you just acknowledge and swap casual comments. I tell my scholars that this type of friend doesn’t have a huge “say” in what you are doing or not doing. It doesn’t really matter.
Another type of friend is only a friend because of what they get from you. There is also a friend who cares about you but will not be honest with you. This type of person keeps you guessing and it can be stressful.
Finally, I tell my young scholars, there are genuine friends who deeply care about you and are willing to say and do the hard things, helping you become a better person. This is the type of friend mentioned in Proverbs 27:17.
Genuine friends are there for you and will help sharpen you to be the best person you can be. Do you have any of these types of friends and, more importantly, are you this type of friend for others?
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