
The Silent Challenge

1843) There are many “challenges” online. These types of challenges are usually something outrageous. For example, one I saw was the challenge to breathe in and/or taste cayenne pepper. Would I do this? Uh. No.
On the subject of challenges, I have one for myself and it’s not outrageous but very difficult to do. It’s found in Ephesians 4:29. This verse says not to let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. The Greek word for unwholesome is sapros which means rotten, useless and corrupt.
Here’s the difficult challenge for myself. Dedicate a period of time where I purposely think before I speak and not say anything that is unwholesome. I’m not sure how successful I will be but anytime I think before I speak is an improvement.
How about you? Are you up for the silent challenge?
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