

1831) I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a meltdown, but I had one the other day. It’s not something I wish to dwell on because I’m not proud of it.
When the storm subsided, I couldn’t help but focus on what a failure I am in my faith until I remembered a quote. It’s from my favorite book, At Home in Mitford. Jan Karon wrote: “I did not have a crisis of faith, but of emotion and energy.”
After thinking about this, the Holy Spirit brought to mind Matthew 11:28. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. It is in putting these two quotes together that I realized what was really going on within.
I was overly tired and depleted of energy. Yes, I need to be aware of my actions during times like these, but I can also sit back in grace from a God who knows when I’m lacking faith and when I’m just plain tired.
Amazing grace, indeed.
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