
Air Traffic Controllers

1818) These days, air travel is complicated and frustrating. If you have traveled anywhere in the last several years, it’s inevitable there will be some glitch you have to deal with.
Since I’ve spent a lot of time sitting in a plane on the runway, waiting to either take off or for a gate to be cleared so we could pull in, I’ve given some thought to the job of air traffic controllers.
What if, when a plane makes an approach, an air traffic controller tells the pilot there are multiple ways and directions they can choose to enter a landing? Well, you can come from the south, it has a beautiful view. From the north, you may see the Statue of Liberty. Or, come on in from the west. It’s the shortest way. Any of these options spells out disaster at the airport.

Some people approach salvation in this same manner. Oh, there are multiple ways to get to heaven. Give 50% of your income to the less fortunate. Do all the good works you can. Say 100 prayers a day. These, too, end in eternal disaster.
Acts 4:12 tells us clearly there is no other way to get salvation other than asking God to forgive us, accept Jesus’ death in our place and come into our lives. Any other approach to salvation is as useless as having an air traffic controller tell you you can approach an airport any way you want.
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