
The Key to Safety

1810) There are many places in the Bible that state we are safe with God. When I read verses like Psalm 4:8, I can sometimes feel confused. The verse tells us we can lie down in peace because we dwell in God’s safety. Why do I feel confusion? Because there have been many times when God’s children are in very unsafe places. I’ve seen it and experienced it.
So, how is it God tells us we can be safe in him when we all know horrible things happen to us? I believe we can find the answer in knowing God is good.
Knowing God is allowing all things that happen to us to produce good is the key. When we don’t lean into this, we are really saying things like; I believe God is allowing this pain because he wants to see me suffer.
The great news is, when troubles and pain surround us, we can feel peace and safety when we remind ourselves there is good that will come from it. We don’t have to like the pain, but we can feel safe in God.
Learning to say, God, there’s a reason this is happening. I don’t know the bad that can come from circumstances if you allowed me not to be in this pain, so I trust you, that this pain is part of the good and safety you supply.

This takes faith.
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