

1807) Every once-in-a -while, we’ll watch a show that features people looking to buy a place on the beach or some other desirable place. When I watch these, I’ll hear many of them say, We’ve worked hard for this opportunity.
When I hear them say this, sometimes I’ll smirk and think, I work very hard, too and I can’t buy this. Sometimes a seed of resentment gets planted within because I’ll continue to think, So, you’re telling me I’m not working hard because I cannot afford those kinds of houses?

When this happens, I must dig up this seed before it sets in roots. Why? Ecclesiastes 5:10 tells us money does not satisfy. Having things doesn’t make your life carefree and happy. After all, how many wealthy people are trouble-free?
Be aware of the deceptive nature of money and things. It won’t give you what you may think it will.
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