
Mind Games

1771) Among other things, I’ve been blessed with the gift of imagination. I can reproduce things I see in my head. Story ideas, classroom activities, “Minute” devotions and more.

What’s bad about a fruitful imagination is I reproduce things I see in my head. Isn’t that what I just said?

Yes, it is. My imagination means I create stories and conclusions quickly, and what I see in my imagination isn’t always accurate.

I see something painful in my life and automatically see what God should do about it. When this happens, my heart begins a battle with what I think should happen and what actually does.

Isaiah 55:8 tells us My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways. I have to remember the games my mind plays sometimes do not align with God’s. This is when I have to say, “God, even when I think there’s a better way, I trust your way.”  Trust = Faith.

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