1670) Isaiah 40:31is a verse which holds such a blessing. But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Because it is a well-known verse, sometimes we can overlook some nuggets of truth. The specific thing that might be overlook is the use of the word eagle.
Here in Maine, eagles are frequently visible and if you live in a place where they are rarely seen, if at all, you’re missing out on a sight that can bring both delight and alarm.
Because I have a little dachshund, I have to watch for eagles because one could easily swoop down and grab him. How is this possible? Because their wingspan are on average seven feet. They can glide along at 2,400 feet, letting the air and wind move it about and they can pick up things that equal their body weight.
If we look at this verse in Isaiah, we see if we depend upon God, he will give us strength to glide above our circumstances and trust that even if we can’t see the entire picture at that “altitude”, God can.