1648) For many years I believed feelings are a moral choice. I don’t think that now. My thinking before was, if I feel irritated, discouraged, angry, depressed, they result from a lack of faith on my part, but are they?
Verses like Galatians 6:9 seemed to back up my former thought. It says to not grow weary of doing good. Here it is! It says if I feel dread over doing what God has called me to do, I’m acting against this admonition. Right? Let’s look at this verse a little closer.
The Greek word for growing weary is ekkakeó. It means to “not be negatively influenced with the outcome of experiencing inner weariness.” (biblehub.com) It does not mean feeling inner weariness is the problem; it’s letting them influence what we do or don’t do for the Lord.
Feelings are what they are at any moment and are mostly out of our control, but what we do with these feelings is what Paul meant.
In this verse in Galatians, we are told not to let how we feel interfere with doing good to others. This takes effort no matter what we feel.