1576) Living on the coast of Maine has caused me to look at waves differently. Before moving here, my idea of waves were things you could ride your boogie-board on and land on the white sugar-sand. Here in Maine, the waves I often see have at least the velocity of those in the South, and yet, I see them differently. First, they’re almost always cold. Second, there are few beaches here (at least ones like where I am from) and these powerful waves hit large rocks and boulders, sending a spray up into the air like a geyser.
When I read Philippians 4:6, the waves of Maine come to mind. Here, Paul tells us to not be anxious about anything, but pray and offer thanksgiving to God. Why does this remind me of waves? Because sometimes the difficulties of life hit me dead-on like these powerful walls of water and, in the moment, I cannot pray effectively, much less offer thanksgiving.
What I have to do is let the waves run their course, allowing my anxiety and feelings to bob around in the waters of life and after they still a little, I can then talk with God about what I am thankful for despite the circumstances.
Perhaps you are amid waves. Hang on. When things settle a bit, you’ll be able to see what God has given you and protected you from.
Allow the waves settle.