1556) Just about every adult knows that when a child tells you they can’t find something, it’s probably there in plain view. I see this a lot in the classroom. I’ll ask the kids to get out something and there will be at least one in every class who will say, “I can’t find it.”
Many times, when these statements are absent-mindedly stated, the child can’t find something that is in plain view. I will point out the paper (or whatever is in question) and the child will often say, “Oh! I didn’t see it.” I usually shake my head because this is often exasperating. But, let’s not be too quick in our reaction to these types of things; adults can overlook things, too.
In John 20:11-18, we have an account of when Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb to grieve. She is crying and two angels appear to her, asking why. Mary replies that someone has taken Jesus’ body away, and she doesn’t know where they put it. Then she turns and someone else asks her the same question. Mary’s reply is the same as the first time and then Jesus speaks her name. Mary instantly knows it’s Jesus, and she rushes off to tell the disciples that she has seen the risen savior.
In this situation, Jesus is right there with Mary, and she couldn’t see him or who he was, but unlike the objects my students cannot find, Jesus calls out to her and Mary’s joy is hard to contain.
Sometimes when we are in a crisis, it’s hard to see what is in plain view. God is there amid our struggles and if we look for him and his promises, we will find him.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13