
I’ve Been Laid Off

1554) There was a time in my teaching district when they were going to close two schools to save money and resources. Because I had only been teaching in this district for a few years, I knew the administration would likely lay me off. Fortunately, I wasn’t but others were.

It’s a scary thing to be laid off. What you’ve been used to doing regularly is no longer needed, at least from you. This feeling of lostness must have permeated the Hebrew sacrificial system in the New Testament. As Hebrews 10:10-18 points out, before Jesus’ death and resurrection, in order to receive forgiveness for sin, certain people (priest, etc.) had a job. These consecrated people needed to perform specific actions in a precise manner. Now, these people were laid off. Jesus’ sacrificial death and atonement is all that’s needed.

What struck me about this passage of scripture is the shift from people doing things to obtain atonement to solely Jesus giving it. I cannot do anything to get what I most need. I must go through Jesus.

I’ve been laid off and that’s a good thing.

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