
The God Who Sees

1540) I think it’s interesting I often have no problem accepting the “great” things concerning God. I accept he is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscient (all-knowing). I have faith he created the world and the miracles in the Bible. But when it comes to accepting the “small” things concerning God, I struggle. One such example is found in Genesis 16:13.

The context of this verse is God reveals to Abraham he will have a son and descendants too many to count. When this does not happen within a reasonable amount of time, Abraham and his wife Sarah figure they’d help God keep this promise. Abraham takes Hagar as another wife and she becomes pregnant with Ishmael. When this happens, Sarah is so jealous and bitter she mistreats Hagar.

Hagar runs away in her fear and pain, and God sends an angel to speak with her. He promises that her descendants will be many. This too I have no problem in accepting, but what I do find difficult is what Hagar says about God. She calls him a new name, Beer-lahi-roi which means, the God who sees me.

I can wrap my head around why this woman believes God is the One who sees. Her history is rooted in an important man of God, Abraham. What I struggle with is the fact that God also is my Beer-lahi-roi; he sees me too and I’m not an important biblical figure.

What I think is critical in my encouragement and spiritual walk is I need to embrace that God sees me, an everyday, relatively unimportant person. To God, I am important. He sees me and cares about me just as much as he did Abraham, Sarah and Hagar.

If you feel all alone in your life, please realize you aren’t. God sees you and wants to spend time with you.

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