
The Vine Feels Pain

1539) I remember the time when the shortest verse of the English Bible, John 11:35 – Jesus wept, hit me like a ton of bricks. Gaining the insight that Jesus cares so much about the pain of his people, even when he knows the miracles he will perform, was life-changing. I even wrote and traditionally published my novel, The Bottle House, because of this insight.

Another passage which has gently knocked on the writer’s door in my heart is John 15:1-2. In context, we find these verses within a brief time when Jesus is speaking with his disciples before the Passover celebration. He demonstrates the role of a servant by washing their feet (Judas included). He predicts his betrayal by Judas. (John 13). He speaks of the only way of salvation and the promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14) and then Jesus tells his disciples he is the vine and God is the gardener. All these things lead up to how the Messiah will bring salvation to all people. (John 15)

In this chapter, verses 1-2, Jesus tells us he is the vine and we are the branches. When God has to prune branches that do not bear fruit, it makes sense, but I have never considered that the vine bears the pain and damage of the branch that is pruned.

What I gain from this is that Jesus is so connected to those of us who have accepted God’s salvation via his death that whatever happens to us, he feels right along with us. Whether this pruning directly results from bad choices we make or simply complacency, Jesus feels the loss right along with us.

It’s amazing to me we have a God who wants to be connected with us, even while we are yet sinners. (Romans 5:8)

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