
When It’s All About You

1537) We live in a wonderful country where we can speak our minds and support or protest things we like or don’t like. We can join wonderful causes that seek to make others’ lives better and richer, but have you ever seen individuals who claim they are doing something for a good cause when it’s really all about them?

How many times do we seek to comfort someone and, as we listen, we quickly interject our story of suffering, nullifying the empathy we claim to want to give? I believe things like this are what Paul refers to in the “love” chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13.

In the first 3 verses of this chapter, Paul emphasizes that if we make everything about ourselves, the good we desire to do becomes contaminated.

Which is more useful, empathy and actions for another’s benefit or making everything about you? I think the answer is obvious.

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