Fighting in Quicksand

1485) It’s interesting to consider what happens when we sleep and dream. My dog Cayce, for example, will often “woof” in his sleep and I wonder what he can be dreaming about. Another repeated occurrence with me is the dream that I’m in some kind of danger, but I can’t run because my feet and legs will not move; it’s like they weigh 500 pounds and I’m stuck in quicksand.

Life’s circumstances can feel like my dream of heavy weight and sometimes, one situation after another hits and the burden grows heavier. What do you do when you find yourself here, in a bog of quicksand? Proverbs 12:25 gives us something that can make the weight a little lighter, and that is encouragement.

The gift of encouragement can give someone who feels like they’re in quicksand a reason to slow the struggle. It is in this frame of mind when rescue is possible. After all, fighting in quicksand only makes things worse. It’s also interesting that when the person who’s struggling seeks to encourage others, it eases the suction a bit, giving some relief and rest from the struggle.

Encouragement is a superpower waiting to help. Allow it to do its job today.

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