1482) I have a confession to make. Sometimes I think those in the Bible who experienced miracles from God had an edge when it comes to faith. My reasoning is, if you have the blessing of seeing and living in a miracle, then faith is easier to come by. But is this the truth?
How about the disciple, Thomas? Wasn’t he an eyewitness to multiple miracles? Didn’t he then doubt Jesus had risen from the grave? How about Elijah? He experienced firsthand multiple miracles and even God raining down fire on his altar. Wasn’t he the one who later sat under a juniper tree and wished to die? How about Jesus’ enemies, who witnessed Peter cutting a man’s ear off and then Jesus reattaching the ear and healing him? Did they fall on their knees and worship the Son of God?
From these examples, it’s apparent that witnessing miracles doesn’t automatically lend to unfettered belief and faith. Why? Because Romans 10:17 tells us what feeds and strengthens our faith. It says, “Faith comes by hearing, believing, relying on, standing firm on God’s word.”
Our eyes can deceive us. We can hear other voices within. Compassion can touch us. We can taste and smell the fruits of our labors, but none of these equal the power of God’s word.
Miracles can be overrated, so if you feel your faith is weak, there is one place to strengthen it. God’s word. Read it. Study it. Saturate yourself with it to strengthen your faith.