1458) I have read somewhere that dogs have the intelligence of a small child. I’m guessing, however, that there are dogs which are more advanced and ones which are less capable. My dog Cayce seems to be in the more intelligent category, at least, compared to the three other dachshunds I have had.
The commands I give Cayce are short and to the point and he immediately responds, unless there’s a squirrel on the premises. If I were to say, “Watch out!” Cayce would stop and freeze until I tell him it’s ok. This is a good thing because in any situation when I would say these two words, he would need to be on guard.
In Deuteronomy 4:9, the New Living Translation uses the words, Watch out! But what should we watch out for? Interestingly, it’s not to watch out for danger. Instead, it’s to watch out that we don’t forget the things in our lives when God has done mighty things.
I think the urgency of the words, watch out, conveys the idea that remembering examples of God’s faithfulness in our lives is vital to navigating through each day in this world.
Dare to take time to watch out and remember what great things God has done in your life.