
Is God Hard of Hearing?

1447) As I have aged, I notice there are certain conditions when hearing is more difficult for me. If my husband and I are going anywhere in our car, the sound of the engine makes it harder for me to understand his deep voice. I don’t suppose my hearing will get better through time. Sigh!

Speaking of hearing, isn’t it interesting that we can sometimes think God is hard of hearing? David appeared to in Psalm 5:1-3. He asks God to hear his prayer (vs. 1). He continues by asking God to listen for his cry for help (vs. 2). Then David says, “Listen to my voice in the morning.” (vs. 3). Why does David ask God to hear his prayer, listen to his cry for help, and listen to his voice in the morning when he/we is/are promised God always listens to him/us? I’m guessing it’s because sometimes we need to ask for our own selves and not for God.

I don’t think asking God to listen is necessarily a sign of a lack of faith. A little (or a lot) of anxiety could very well spur me to ask God to listen. God understands.

Sometimes it’s easy to pass judgment upon others or ourselves for something that is simply meeting a need we have.

God is not hard of hearing, nor does he sit by waiting to cast judgment upon us.

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