
Head Versus Heart

1445) I must admit there have been plenty of times when I read one of the Psalms, I feel like David was just too good to be true. What do I mean? Well, in Psalm 7, David states God is his shield, and honest judge (vs. 10-11) and he thanks God for being just. (vs. 17)

When I read these words, sometimes I feel defeated. When I am going through something difficult, I never would call God my shield and an honest judge because it feels like the opposite is happening. David must be a better follower of God than I am. But wait!

In Psalm 7, we also see David begging for protection (vs. 1), admitting that it seems like when God does not answer, it feels like being torn apart like a lion. (vs. 2). David also asks God to stand up to his enemies.,(vs. 6) and end the evil others are sending his way. (vs. 9)

When I read these verses, I realize that a great man of God also has a conflict between what he knows in his head about God and how difficulties can make him feel like God is distant, uncaring, or even silent.

It is in times of doubt when I remind myself that I cannot use my feelings to tap into my faith. I must go by what my head knows about God and his word and choose to act accordingly. In doing so, I am using the shield of faith. (Ephesians 6:16).

Pick up your shield!

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