
Everyone’s Against Me!

1440) The few times in my life when I said, Everyone’s Against Me may have been when I was in junior high, but, I’ve thought this a time or two as an adult.

When you’re in a position when you feel everyone’s against you, it truly does seem that way, but in reality, it probably is not accurate. I think when we say this; we feel we’re not supported, loved, or appreciated.

David must have felt everyone was against him in 1 Samuel 30. At the beginning of this chapter, the Amalekites attacked and took all the women and the young and old captive, including two of David’s wives. David’s men, in their anguish and fear, turned on him and tried to stone him. Talk about feeling others are against you! But, there’s a gem at the end of verse 6 and that is, But David found strength in the Lord God.

The word strength means to grow firm or strong. David knew his muscle of faith had to be strengthened and adversity is often the weight David had to lift for his faith to be stronger.

Did David feel as if everyone was against him? Probably, but he regularly worked out to strengthen his faith, so it may have been easier for him to trust God.

Adversity strengthens our faith if we allow it.

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