

1436) The feeling of being all alone is a horrible place to be. It’s frightening, overwhelming and painful. What’s even worse is when you feel God has abandoned you.

Many Christians battle within their soul this feeling of abandonment by God and judgment penetrates the heart. Why? Because if you truly have faith, then you wouldn’t feel this way, right?

I think a distinction needs to be made between feeling abandoned and turning your back on God. Feelings are what they are and are often not associated with critical thinking, but when you tie the two together, this is when judgment can move in and poison your heart. Yes, if you think through your situation, you can conclude that God is good and nothing comes your way that he doesn’t allow, but when this deep, sometimes desperate feeling moves in, what you know is true is hard to access.

Even Jesus experienced this feeling of abandonment. In Mark 15:34, Jesus looks to the heavens and asks God why he has forsaken him. The word for forsaken means to abandon or desert someone. Yes, Jesus knew what God’s plan was and was more than willing to do it, but he felt, in his agony, that he was alone.

When you’re feeling abandoned and all alone, go to God and cry out in your pain. He understands and is more than willing to listen and help in the way that is most beneficial to you..

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