
Fact and Sacrifice

1435) I have a friend whom I’m very concerned with. This person only sees God as a harsh judge who is not fair to mankind. That this person thinks this way is understandable because of the way this person was rejected by the church and maybe even family members, so this person’s anger runs deep. I feel so sad when I can almost taste the venom in this person’s words. I’m sad because this is such an incorrect view of God.

Yes, God tells us straight out in Romans 3:23 that we are sinners–fact. God says in Romans 6:23 that our sin earns for us eternal death–fact. This is where many people stop reading. Fact–that God is the judge and he cannot allow sin in his heaven. BUT God gives us grace–fact. Romans 3:24-25 tells us that God allowed his son to pay our penalty, death–exclusion from heaven, so we don’t have to.

Jesus sacrificed all and because of this, God, in his grace, welcomes us into his presence if we ask him to. I wish my friend could experience this grace. It is life-changing.

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