
And Justice for All

1431) Growing up, my schools would always recite the American Flag salute and we still do in the school where I teach. Do you remember it? What are the last four words? And justice for all. We are fortunate to live in a country that endorsees justice, so much so that we include it in our flag salute, but do we always embrace it?

How do we feel about justice when it’s used to reprimand us for our words or actions? Are we glad our country believes in it? What about God’s justice?

It’s wonderful to know God looks out for us and will deal with others who mess with us. God promises that no weapon fashioned against us shall succeed, as stated in Isaiah 54:17, though many misinterpret 1 Samuel 12:16. The verse reads, Now stand here and see the great thing the Lord is about to do.

This is a verse you must look at the whole context. The chapter is about all the times God’s people have sinned and God, in his justice, must punish them. How do you feel about justice in these situations? We need to remember God’s justice in this form is a sign he loves us. (Hebrews 12:6-7).

Next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance or ponder justice, thank God he cares enough to place consequences on us. This is also part of justice.

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