
How Can I Help?

1429) There have been a few times in my life when four words have made a difference between encouragement and doom. They are, How can I help? When I’ve heard these words, I’ve felt like the weight I’ve been carrying got lighter. Why? Because support from other people is a need we have and a gift of provision from God.

James 5:16 tells us about a specific time when we need to hear, How can I help? It’s when we have done wrong. When we make this choice, it’s called sin and this word in the Greek means to miss the mark. At this point, the only relief from this heavy weight is to admit what we’ve done and pray for forgiveness and strength not to do it again.

By being candid with a fellow believer about the wrong choices we’ve made gives them the opportunity to support us in prayer. This makes the journey to putting things right with God and whomever we may have hurt doable because of their support. This admission also communicates that a fellow believer struggles with similar things and that there is hope and reconciliation.

Wonder how you can help others? Be honest with them and support each other in prayer.

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