1423) I have known and read about people who say God has healed them from many things. They were suffering one moment and in the next; they were whole. I cannot say I have experienced this sort of healing, but I believe the God who created the entire universe can certainly do these things when he decides to do so.
There is one specific person who shared with me a healing that came with a vision of Christ and as I heard these words, I was awestruck, but when time passed; I discovered a resentment growing within me because God has not chosen to lift the veil for me so I can see this wonder myself. Then God spoke to my heart, using Isaiah 53:5; words that are familiar to me but took on a new meaning.
Isaiah informs me that Jesus was pierced, crushed, beaten and whipped so I can be healed. When I accepted the gift of salvation that Jesus’ death offered me, Jesus immediately healed me spiritually. I am no longer separated from God. I can come boldly to the Throne of Grace (Hebrews 14:16) any time I want. God wrote my name in the palm of his hand (Isaiah 49:16) and made me his. My body will continue to age, but my life in eternity began the day I said yes to God.
You too, don’t need to feel left out when God chooses to heal because he has already made that choice. For you. Why don’t you accept his healing and really begin life eternally?