
1421) We all desire recognition. We may not want it to be publicly given, but we yearn for our contributions, ideas, and talents to be noticed. Have you ever considered, however, that people recognize what we say and do because of the family we come from? Oh, that must be so-and-so’s daughter; she acts just like her father. This type of recognition can be a good thing or bad.

1 John 3:16-17 tells us people will recognize us as belonging to Christ by how we act. When we help someone in need, we show we are children of Jesus, just as He helps us in this same manner. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. If we model our behavior and words after selfishness, others will recognize us as ones who do not take our commitment to God seriously.

Does this mean we must perfectly act as Christ did? This really is a moot question because we cannot act this way perfectly. What makes us different is how we handle things when we don’t. Do we apologize? Do we make things right with individuals we have treated poorly? Do we ask God to help change our behavior?

We all will be recognized, so the question becomes, what will we be recognized for?

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