1420) Take a moment and think of the people you enjoy being around. Now, think about why you enjoy them. Is it because they constantly talk about only themselves? Is it because they frequently belittle you? Is it because you enjoy being around people with whom you have nothing in common? Of course, the answer to these questions is no. We enjoy being around people who like us and bring positive things to our lives. Anything wrong with this? No. I think this is normal.
What I think is interesting, though, is what we read in 1 John 3:15 that we are not to hate our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Greek word for hate can be translated as “withholding love.” John says when we “hate” our fellow Christians in this manner, it is the same as murder. Why? Because God is love and behaving in this way means we are withholding God from others, and since death means, separation, these actions can encourage others to separate themselves from God. How is this possible? When we refuse to encourage others in their faith. When we choose not to share what God has taught us in his word. When we don’t take an active interest in other believers, we are hating or withholding love, and ultimately God, from them.
Not all of our brothers and sisters in Christ are people we enjoy being around, so that means we have to work even harder to make sure we don’t withhold love from them. Keep in mind also that what we give to others will come back to us (or not).