In the Beginning, there was Love

1419) The gospel of John tells us from the start, In the beginning was the Word.. and the Word was God. And, who is God? 1 John 4:16 tells us, God is love. So, putting the two together, we see that in the beginning, there was love.

Where is love in the beginning? Look through the first chapters of Genesis and you will see the details of the creation of this earth, so it will house mankind. All the details and beauty came from the tips of God’s fingers and he did it out of love.

We also see God created a companion for Adam and gave them both access to all created things (with one exception), just because he loved the beings he made in his image.

Thinking of these things, 1 John 3:11 becomes real. It says we have heard from the beginning that we should love others because we are to model our actions after God’s, whose fingerprints of love can be seen throughout creation.

The bottom line is, in the beginning, there was love and we are to treat others in a way that communicates this. Easy to say; hard to do.

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