
How God Makes Insignificant Valuable

What’s wrong? Nothing.

What are you doing in there? Nothing.

What did you say? Nothing.

It’s interesting to me that the word, “nothing”, is often used to mask the word, “something”. There is always something. There is something wrong. There is something the child is doing. There is something I dared to say, even if it was a whisper.

Because many of us are overly critical of ourselves, we can evaluate the gifts and abilities God has given us and conclude they’re really nothing, not important or not significant enough to do the “big” things God is doing through others. We may thoroughly believe this, but it’s also a convenient way to cop-out of doing something for God that we are afraid to do or afraid of what others may think of us.

God used a young boy to kill a giant. (1 Samuel 17) God used a poor, starving widow to sustain a mighty prophet of God. (1 Kings 17) Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed over 5,000 people. (John 6:1-15)

Little and insignificant in our eyes does not equal nothing. In fact, God is showing his power using the “nothing” we have.

Dare to give the little you have to God; you will see something mighty rise out of it.

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