The Value of Memorials

1408) If you have been to Arlington National Cemetery, you know the feeling of awe that may have moved through your body. There are approximately 400,000 people buried in 639 acres.

When I stood amidst these gravestones, my mind went to times in our history when many of these people gave the ultimate sacrifice. As I looked at specific names on the stones nearby, I wondered who they were and who were the families associated. It’s almost as if each grave marker has a story hidden within.

These types of remembrances are a good thing and gravestones aren’t the only memorials. There is another type found in Joshua 4:8-9. Here, Joshua ordered that 12 stones be placed beside the Jordan River and another 12 placed in the middle of it. Why? Because Joshua knew the value of memorials. Their purpose is to jog our memories, reminding us of some important event.

Because memorials are powerful mnemonic devices, dare to consider what you can create that reminds you of all the things God has done for you.

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