

1405) When I was in Gibraltar in the summer of 1981, we had a wonderful experience. We got to see the newlyweds, Prince Charles (now, King Charles) and Princess Diana because they stopped there on their honeymoon. It was an exciting event, and the city embraced it with a celebration. It is something I vividly remember.

It’s interesting to me that the monarchy of England fascinates so many people and these thoughts surrounded my reading of Matthew 6:33. Here Jesus admonishes us to seek the kingdom of God, so I did some exploring into what he meant when Jesus used these words.

Seek here in the Greek means an active searching or striving to find out information. Kingdom here refers to where and how God rules. Why would Jesus tell us to strive for information concerning how God rules his kingdom? I’m sure there are many answers to this, but one thing that comes to mind is the fact that we picture what we know of kingdoms and monarchies based on what we see and hear in this life. If we conclude God’s rule is like these, we are incorrect.

God, the ruler of all the universe, is love and everything he does is because of it. He is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (everywhere at once) and fair. His rules and laws are always what we need to have a successful life on this earth and in the next one. Seeking to find out other facets of who God is a goal that we will never meet in this life, and yet it is vital to our faith.

Dare to seek regularly who God is. It will make a positive difference in your life and, therefore, in those around you.

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