When the Rug is Pulled Out From Under Your Feet

Life seems to follow cycles similar to our seasons. We have summer. A time when life is steady–no real difficulties. There’s fall, when we have circumstances that hint to us that more difficult things are on the way. Winter is the time when life punches us in the stomach and recovery seems beyond our reach, but then spring follows, when some form of resolution gives relief from the weeks of despair.

What do you do when you feel the rug of your life has been pulled out from under you? I don’t have the definite answer, but I have discovered that vulnerability is central in helping you during these times.

If we could dare to open up and share our pain with our inner circle, (friends, family, fellow Christians and/or coworkers), it would help give relief to our winter season. I’m not suggesting we reveal all, because this isn’t always prudent, but even stating simply,” I’m really hurting right now,” can be the catalyst for easing the burden of this difficult time.

The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2 that we should carry (support in the Greek) each other’s burdens (weights of life) and in this way you’ll fulfill (complete) the law of Christ. And what is this law of Christ?

Matthew 22:37-38 –

“’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

By sharing our burdens (which I believe is more difficult than helping others to carry theirs), we are obeying Jesus’ words of Matthew 22.

In our seasons of winter, dare to share the burden with others.

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