1403) Musicals are not really my thing, but I can sing along with almost all the songs in Fiddler on the Roof. The title of this minute gives away which song I want to focus on, Tradition!
Traditions are a good thing. They help us remember what people value, and have the power to bring families and society together. These traditions give us predictability and something to look forward to. They allow a societal ability to teach our children and grandchildren about our way of life.
Traditions can also be a bad thing. Sometimes it’s easy to insist we do something a specific way, because that’s the way we’ve always done it when this “way” is no longer useful. For example, door-to-door Trick or Treating is developing into group activities, such as Trunk or Treat, because children going to individual houses at night may not be prudent. If you insist on sticking to the traditions of Halloweens past, it can be a bad thing.
Paul knew we are people who value traditions, and he also knew that while there is a lot of good in this, there are also dangers. Colossians 2:8 tells us to not let anyone take us captive, like a predator stalking its prey, with a philosophy or mindset that is worthless and false just because it is a tradition. He instructs us to be mindful of these things and think through things we’ve always done this way.
When identifying traditions (old or new ones), ask yourself if it’s biblical and useful? Asking these questions can be some of the most important ones to ask.