Where the Credit Belongs

1402) When I was in junior high and high school, I was on the softball team. I was good at the sport, and as the pitcher, my team depended on me. There were games where I made the difference in winning or losing. I was also a good batter. I remember one game, when the bases were loaded, I hit a grand slam home run. I was excited to have accomplished this. I couldn’t wait to see the local newspaper’s documentation of my achievement, but when I looked at the paper the next day, someone else on our team was given credit for my achievement. I was so disappointed.

We all like to be recognized for the things we do and when someone else accidentally or purposely gets the credit, it’s hard to take. I wonder if this is how God feels when we take the credit for anything, especially our salvation, when we have nothing to do with it. Ephesians 2:8.

Perhaps the next time we do not get credit for something, it can be a reminder that we need to give credit to God for all he has done in our lives.

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