The Business Model

1401) Because my publisher gives me the responsibility of marketing my books (go to to see and purchase these), I have enrolled in some marketing courses. These have solidified several things for me and one of them is businesses need one person who is ultimately in control. There may be many others who oversee different things within a business, but there has to be one person who over-sees all of them. Why? Because you cannot have two people calling the final shots, as there will be differences in opinions, goals and more. This principle is true spiritually, as well.

Jesus agrees in Luke 16:1. He tells us no man can serve two masters. It’s one person or thing over the other. This causes me to consider any time I do things my way instead of the way God has told me in his word, I am choosing to be the master. The result is always the same. My life will wind up spinning out of control because I really don’t have what is necessary to run my life well.

It makes sense to have one person in charge of my life and it’s prudent to choose the one who is most qualified: God.

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