
Talk is Cheap

1394) It’s hard to take someone’s word for things these days and it’s perhaps not prudent to do so. With my students, I explain to them that a person can say they will do many things, but the way to truly know if they keep their word is to watch their actions. Are they doing what they said they would do? Do I do what I say I will?

When it comes to the subject of love, how do we know if someone in the show or movie or even in that book truly love someone? When I hunt for evidence of this, I see the over-the-top feelings of being in “love” and, within the same hour, they marry (or just simply move into a relationship). I see an almost automatic intimate relationship and, “boom,” they are in love because this shows it, right? It depends on what your definition of love. God tells us love is patient, kind, not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. It’s not selfish, irritable or vengeful. Love embraces justice, truth, and endurance. Love is who God is. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6 and 1 John 4:16.)

Just because the Bible tells us God is love, we should look for evidence of this. Romans 5:8 contains all the evidence we need. Despite all the times we’ve been impatient (even with God himself), unkind, jealous, boastful, proud and rude, God loved us enough to let his son die a horrible death in our place on the cross. Even though we are selfish, irritable and vengeful, God still decided to allow the son he loves to be brutalized by the very people who turned their backs on him. Despite how selfish we are every day; how irritable we can be and how much passive aggression we utilize. God still forgives us when we ask because we have been washed in Jesus’ blood.

The vital spiritual fact is while we were/are the rotten people we often can be, God chose love and showed this in the ultimate way, with his son’s life.

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