

1389) I’m not sure if it’s because of my age or my health, but it seems it’s awful easy to tear up these days. It’s as if a wave of emotion sweeps over me and I react. Honestly, I find it embarrassing because of the reactions of those I’m around. It isn’t that they make fun of me, but sometimes they think they’ve hurt me when they have nothing to do with it. Sorrow uncovers vulnerabilities, and it’s normal to wish to protect them. It’s also exhausting.

The good news is God encourages us to pour out our hearts to him in Psalm 62:8. The Hebrew word for pour here can be translated as “gush.” This tells me I can come to God with all my emotions and I do not need to attempt to get control over them. He wants me to come as I am.

God totally accepts me, no matter what my emotional state is in the moment. What a relief!

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