
The Value of Honesty

1380) I am amazed as I read through Scripture how many times I see people hiding from God. Adam and Eve and Jonah are perfect examples. My thinking is, Why do you think hiding from an omniscient God will work? After all, David himself said in Psalm 139:7-10 there is nowhere you can go from God’s presence. Yet, before the thought can fade in my mind, a small voice says, Why do YOU think you can hide things from God? I hang my head, realizing I do the same thing.

This idea of not being able to hide anything from God challenges my prayer life. I need to be honest with God, telling him everything, even the things I know to be wrong that I did or am choosing to do, anyway. There’s no reason to sugar-coat these things–unless I am unwise enough to believe my rationalizations justify my bad choices. This so-called justification only works with me, not God, and, deep down, I know I am just rationalizing them.

David knows the bad choices he has made, so in Psalm 32:5, he says he will no longer try to hide his wrong-doing. First, because he knows God is aware of them and second, because he knows God will forgive his sincere confessions.

Honesty is the best policy with God. He values an honest and repentant heart and he longs to give us the grace of forgiveness.

Are you being honest with God?

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