
I Am with You – Part 4

1379) As a writer, it can be very easy to get discouraged. Before I signed with a publisher for my first novel, The Bottle House, I had no fewer than 40 “no’s” before I got one “yes.” If I had given into discouragement, this novel would never have been published; I wouldn’t have even completed it.

Discouragement is a wonderful weapon of Satan. If he can get one of God’s children discouraged, it will often prevent us from doing the things God wants us to do in this world. So, what is a Christian to do?

 Joshua 1:9 tells us not to allow discouragement to enter our hearts. Why? Because God is right there with us and if something doesn’t go our way, we can bank on the fact that it is going God’s way. Nothing will happen to us God has not allowed. This is a hard truth because not everything that comes our way is easy.

It takes faith not to be discouraged, but God is still in control, even if it doesn’t feel that way.

Get your copy of The Bottle House here: http://bit.ly/3VbnDWT

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