
I Am with You – Part 2

1377) We have a new little dog in our family. A lovable little puffball of fur, Cayce (pronounced K-C). I’ve never seen a dog with the energy he has, but I have also noticed Cayce is afraid of a lot of things. I’m not sure why; he has had nothing traumatic happen to him, but he is skittish. It’s interesting that Cayce has developed emotionally as I have. I am also afraid of a lot of things.

Because I have so many fears, I am often on high alert, as Cayce is. In times of danger, this is helpful, but since all of life is not one ball of trouble, the stress I feel within is unnecessary. It is especially so when I consider the second benefit of believing God is with us found in Joshua 1:9. Here, the author tells us we can be filled with courage, knowing God is right with us, no matter what comes our way.

If I could fully embrace this promise from God, that he is right beside me, every moment of every day, then I would not need to be on high alert constantly. I can relax, knowing God will help me the moment I sense any danger or threat, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, just as he has with me in all these situations in the past.

This complete trusting that God is with me is easy to say, but difficult to live. By faith, I will have the courage to face what comes my way. Sometimes I’ll be successful and sometimes not. God understands because grace abounds.

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I Am with You – Part 1
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I Am with You – Part 3

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