
Being Kind

1374) This school year, our building is emphasizing the importance of being kind. Each day, our principal will finish her announcements with, “Remember to be kind.” Why are we emphasizing kindness? Because we’re living in times when kindness is often overlooked and when someone is kind, many are grateful.

Kindness is important. By showing it, we are communicating respect for someone and demonstrating that they are important. But kindness can successfully fight battles, too. What do I mean? Proverbs 25:21-22 tells us to be kind to our “enemies.” This is not to be confused with political wars and such (though the principle of kindness still is valuable in these situations), instead that we should be kind to those who are not kind to us. Why? Because being kind takes away a lot of the fuel someone uses to justify their poor treatment of you. It makes them stop short; and often takes them by surprise because the normal response is to give the same treatment right back to the original giver.

Being kind is a choice and God tells us it is a wise one.

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