
Great Expectations

1367) Think back to when you were a child. Remember how long it seemed for Christmas to finally arrive? It really doesn’t matter when your family opened gifts, Christmas seemed like it would never come. When it finally did, were there gifts you remember fondly?

Like Christmas, God gives his children gifts. These might be in the form of material things, good health (or improved health), abilities and talents and special relationships. Take a moment and consider all the gifts God has given you. There are many!

In Luke 12:48, Jesus tells us because God has given us so many gifts, he expects us to use them for him. If God has blessed us with material things, do we share them? If our health is good, do we step it up and physically do things for God? Are we using the abilities God gave us or are we just existing? How do we honor God in our relationships?

God has great expectations of us and, out of gratitude, we should use, for his purposes, all he has given us.

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