
Friendships Can Be Tricky

1351) Friendship is always tricky when you are a tween. If you observe kids around 11 or 12 years old, their friendships always sway. What I mean by this is they really don’t know the anatomy of a genuine friend.

Kids this age don’t know a genuine friend is someone you can bounce things off and the answer they receive should be given as a well-thought out response rather than saying what they think is the “right” answer, rather than the best answer. Kids don’t know genuine friends can also have other friends, too. They do not know that friends are not always in their lives life permanently.

As kids mature into adulthood, their values on friendship hopefully adjust. If they do, then they learn to cherish a friend who is loyal, fun, a good listener and helpful, among many other things.

Yes, friendships can be tricky, but they are invaluable. Even as adults! Proverbs 17:17.

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